
Last week, September 23rd was my graduation (yay!), an end to a four-year journey. Previously I wrote about the early days of my university life with all the bumps, the days of spending a semester in Germany, and I think it’s only fair to write one more as my days of learning came to an end.

For the past few days, I’ve been reflecting on everything that, by God’s grace, I’d been enabled to do and found myself keep adding to what an already long list.

I was only reminded to do so a couple days ago as I was in a car and passed through a road that was oddly familiar — one filled with memories of laughter, traffic jam, and utter fatigue. I realized that it was the usual route I took on my way from the office to my dorm during my internship days, more than two and a half years ago.

It was as if the traffic, the skyscrapers, and the bright lights then brought me back to those times.

One thing came to mind: God’s good.

As I relived what used to be my regular commute, I couldn’t help but think how He’s been faithful; how I could finally end up here, writing these words to you. I realized how even in those seemingly regular days, things beyond my comprehension are about to come to pass.

Without that internship, I would not be introduced to a lecturer who really inspired me and ended up guiding me in doing my thesis work.


Without that internship, my semester in Germany would look completely different.


Without that internship, I would not meet someone who graciously invited me to church and finally get baptized.


What seemed to be a mere necessity for my study turned out to be something else entirely — to which I could do nothing but be humbled as I praise Him for His goodness.

And oh what a joy it was to have my parents pleased, seeing that their hard work is not in vain.


And how thankful I was that I was mentioned as one of the best graduates.


Oh these things are none of my doing, indeed.

What Now?

One of the reasons why I decided to write this blogpost is that I need a reminder similar to those times — moments when I was still studying, anxious about the upcoming internship abroad, swamped with the never-ending schoolwork — with the hope that, God willing, if I’m given the privilege to do even more, I could see that even in moments that I perhaps see as dull, God remains sovereign, and His perfect will shall come to pass.

The Bible writes that He shall do everything He pleases (Psalm 115:3), that nothing shall thwart His plan. And that His will far outweighs ours (Isaiah 55:8-9), His will is perfect, and that everything is done for His glory and our ultimate good. May we hold these truths closely in our hearts.

May in times of uncertainty we may be reminded of one unchangeable truth, fixing our eyes on Christ who at the right time died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6), accomplishing the will of the Father (Isaiah 53:10). May we remember that even in times of our suffering He remains close, for He was once clothed with the similar frail flesh and bones as we do (Hebrews 4:15), to be tortured with the worst punishment imaginable, died and rose victoriously that we may see that He is the only Way of life and there is nothing to fear in death. And that He encouraged us that we may take heart, seeing that He had overcome the world (John 16:33).

May we see that there is nothing in this world to boast in but Christ, for everything is from Him and to Him alone.

In times of despair and joy, may we draw near the all-sufficient Christ, and by His grace be strengthened to say with Paul, “to live is Christ, to die is gain.” (Philipians 1:21)

I rejoice in my Redeemer
Greatest Treasure,
Wellspring of my soul
I will trust in Him, no other.
My soul is satisfied in Him alone.

As summer flowers we fade and die
Fame, youth and beauty hurry by
But life eternal calls to us
At the cross

I will not boast in wealth or might
Or human wisdom’s fleeting light
But I will boast in knowing Christ
At the cross

— My Worth is Not in What I Own (Keith & Kristyn Getty)




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